Page 8 - Venticinque anni di Ingegneria a Modena
P. 8


            tante del Dipartimento nelle relazioni con il territorio è evidenziato dalle numerose   As for Research, DIEF has invested in the creation or qualifica-
            collaborazioni con le imprese produttive e di servizio della “Motor Valley” modenese,   tion a huge amount of resources coming from successful par-
            che include attività formative e di ricerca applicata  che hanno recentemente ri-  ticipations to competitive calls at the national or European level,
            cevuto il riconoscimento del MIUR con l’approvazione del Progetto “International   as well as by consultancy and commercial research activities.
            Academy for Advanced Technologies in High-Performance Vehicles and Engines”.  This was done in the belief that, if the quality of researchers is
            Questo volume vuole celebrare i nostri venticinque di vita attraverso i ricordi e le   the first requirement for the Department qualification, no real
            testimonianze di quanti ci hanno permesso di arrivare fino a qui ma, soprattutto,   advancement in engineering technology can been achieved
                                                                              without the support of appropriate experiments and prime lab-
            vuole attirare l’attenzione sul senso principale degli sforzi prodotti da tutti quanti   oratory equipments.
            hanno creduto e lavorato per l’Ingegneria a Modena e, oggi, per il DIEF, ispirandosi   The Engineering Department Enzo Ferrari maintains the original
            al principio di vivere il presente con la speranza di un futuro di qualità per noi e per i   territorial vocation of the Engineering Faculty of Modena. This in-
            nostri studenti e le nostre studentesse.                          volves the signing of a number of Research Agreements and Con-
                                                                              tracts with private Companies of both regional and national rele-
            Apertura delle celebrazioni                                       vance. Of special concern in this frame is the participation of DIEF
                                                                              to the technology transfer initiatives coordinated by the Technolog-
                                                                              ical Platforms, a regional network in which a fundamental role is
            Nella ricorrenza dei 25 anni dalla fondazione della Facoltà di Ingegneria di Modena,   played by the Modena Technopole. This latter constitutes the most
            il Dipartimento di Ingegneria “Enzo Ferrari”, in collaborazione con l’Ateneo, ha pro-  recent improvement of the Engineering Campus, and hosts the
            posto un ricco elenco di eventi a carattere scientifico, didattico e culturale.  Interdepartmental Centres Intermech-MORE and Softech, and the
            L’inaugurazione delle celebrazioni ha avuto luogo il 16 marzo 2015 alla presenza del   Democenter Foundation. In the centre of what is called “the Motor
            Ministro dello Sviluppo Economico, dott.ssa Federica Guidi.       Valley”, the Department started from the very beginning to develop
                                                                              teaching and research in automotive. The most recent recognition
                                                                              of the high standard reached by DIEF in this context is the approv-
                                                                              al and financing MIUR, the Italian Ministry of Education, gave to
                                                                              the Project “International Academy for Advanced Technologies in
                                                                              High-Performance Vehicles and Engines”.
                                                                              This book is intended to celebrate our first 25 years of life as an
                                                                              Engineering institution, passing through memories and testimo-
                                                                              nies of the protagonists of this short but intense story that led us
                                                                              where we are now. The guiding principle of those that created
                                                                              the Engineering Faculty, and of DIEF now, is to operate in the
                                                                              present time to design a prosperous future for the Institution and
                                                                              for our students and researchers.

                                                                              The celebrations

                                                                              The Engineering Department “Enzo Ferrari” celebrates the first
                                                                              25 years from the constitution of the Faculty of Engineering in
                                                                              Modena. The Minister of the Economic Development, dr. Feder-
                                                                              ica Guidi inaugurated the programme of the events on March
                                                                              16, 2015.
            Il Ministro Federica Guidi e il Rettore Angelo O. Andrisano
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