Page 16 - brochure-30ingmo-stampa-definitiva
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Research activity

                                               Materials and Surface Physics Group

          Research activity                                  Impact on society

          The Materials and Surface Physics group is         The group operates in an international network of
          active in the study and characterization of        collaborators, mainly involved in the improvement

          surfaces and nanostructured thin films by optical   of electronic devices in terms of reduced costs and
          ad electron spectroscopies, also exploiting        energy consumption, environmental sustainability,
          synchrotron radiation. Techniques include          enhancement of operation velocity, durability. These
          photoemission, x-ray absorption, reflectivity,     are main factors stimulating research towards new
          luminescence. Particular emphasis is given to      materials and architectures tailored at the nanoscale.
          organic thin films for molecular optoelectronic

          Context and motivation of                          National and international

          the research                                       academic relationships regarding

          The performance of modern optical and              the activity
          electronic devices is based on their properties at
          the nanoscale. Therefore, it is essential to control   The group participates in the coordination of
          these properties down to the atomic level. This    experimental activities at the Elettra Synchrotron
          is the research field of the group, aiming at      national laboratory in Trieste, through the conduction
          studying experimentally thin films and surfaces    of the BEAR beamline. The group members are also
          that are relevant for applications.                associated to CNR, receiving funding for their activity at
                                                             Elettra. They are also research fellows of the University
                                                             of Johannesburg.

          Funded projects / grants

          The group participates in local, national and

          international programmes.

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