Page 62 - Venticinque anni di Ingegneria a Modena
P. 62


                                                                              •  Microwaves lab (www.mag.unimore.
                                                                                it) This lab deals with the design of
                                                                                microwave applicators for materi-
                                                                                als heating. The lab is endowed with
                                                                                FDTD and FEM software for the mul-
                                                                                ti-scale  modelling  of  the  interaction
                                                                                between microwaves and materials;
                                                                                the lab possesses instruments for the
                                                                                measurement of the dielectric proper-
                                                                                ties of the materials within the range
                                                                                0.5-3GHz. The lab hosts many proto-
                                                                                types of generators and applicators for
                                                                                heating ceramic, polymeric and metal-
                                                                                lic  materials at the frequency of  2.45
                                                                                or 5.8 GHz. Part of the lab is devoted
                                                                                to the chemical synthesis, where the
               dustria, di problemi di proprietà dei materiali in relazione alle   reactors work with continuity at pres-
               prestazioni finalizzate al risparmio energetico (con particolare   sures higher than the atmospheric val-
               riguardo al regime estivo), e di problemi di produzione di ener-  ue. Resp. C. Leonelli
               gia da fonti rinnovabili (con particolare riguardo a biomasse e   •  Rheological lab. This lab addresses
               biogas).                                                         the study of systems of fluids in sus-
            •  Tecnologie e Sistemi                                             pension and of dry powder, with the
               di Lavorazione (Coor-                                            aim to characterize and optimize their
               dinatore: Prof. Gatto).                                          behaviour. Resp. M. Romangnoli.
               Il gruppo si occupa                                            •  Chemical technologies and processes
               principalmente di tec-                                           for trash management. This lab ad-
               nologie innovative e                                             dresses the tuning of inertial process-
               materiali  non  conven-                                          es and processes for the development
               zionali, è all’avanguardia                                       of trash matter. Resp. L. Barbieri and I.
               in Europa sull’Additive                                          Lancellotti.
               Manufacturing sia per
               componenti  in  metallo                                            5.3.5 Mechanical and Vehicle
               ad alte prestazioni per                                            Engineering
               uso aeronautico/moto-
               ristico, sia per scaffold                                      •  ARC Advanced Rapid Construction e
               dedicati alla biologia ri-                                       MICROMAN (MICROmechanisms in
               generativa di organi en-                                         MANufacture). (www.manufacturing.
               docrini.                                                This lab addresses themes
                                                                                connected to the integrated develop-
                                                                                ment of products and systems and of
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