Page 57 - Venticinque anni di Ingegneria a Modena
P. 57

57                                        LA RICERCA
                                                                                                           DEL DIEF  5  2

              nels, in collaboration with the Tunnel
              de Mont Blanc agency.
            •  Energy (Head: Prof. Tartarini). The re-
              search interest of the group is direct-
              ed to energy saving strategies both in
              the built and the indistrial environment,
              to optimize the thermal properties of
              building materials for the reduction of
              summer thermal loads, and the use of
              renewable energy sources, with spe-
              cial concern in the use of biomasses
              and biogas production.
            •  Technology and Manufacturing Sys-
              tems (Head: Prof. Gatto). The group
              is mainly active in innovative technol-
              ogies  and  non  conventional  materi-
              als, and is recognized in Europe for
              its expertise in Additive Manufacturing
              for both high performance metal com-
              ponets, and scaffolds for regenerative
              biology of endocrine organs.

            5.3 Research laboratories

                5.3.1 Civil and Environment
            •  Geomatics lab (www.geomatica.un-
      This lab is endowed with       stria, i materiali per l’edilizia e l’ingegneria civile, i vetri e smalti,
              instruments suitable for geodetic and      materiali compositi e biomateriali e i materiali allo stato di pol-
              geomatic measurements, and  in par-        veri e reologia.
              ticular it is provided with  ToF laser   •  Materiali Metallici (Coordinatore: Prof. Veronesi). Le principali
              scanner,  total chamber, digital  level,   attività di ricerca riguardano i metalli, metallurgia e superfici,
              GNSS  device,  f  photogram  camera        Metallografia, la corrosione e degrado, la selezione dei mate-
              and calibrated lenses. This lab is pro-    riali e metalli innovativi, i trattamenti termici e termochimici, la
              vided with applications for the calcu-     corrosione e protezione dalla corrosione, i ricoprimenti e tribo-
              lation of geodetic network ( Starnet       logia.
              e Starlev), for the processing of GPS    •  Materiali Plastici e Compositi (Coordinatore: Prof. Messori). Le
              data ( LGO, Gamit, Bernese),for the
                                                         principali attività di ricerca riguardano i materiali plastici e pro-
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