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Research activity

                                              Laboratory of Geomatics Engineering

          Research activity                                  Impact on society

          Researchers at the Laboratory of Geomatics         Hundreds disasters related to natural and
          Engineering, coordinated by Prof. Alessandro       technological hazards are reported worldwide every
          Capra, focus on geodetic surveying by traditional   year. Thousands of people are globally killed by
          and novel techniques for environmental/            disasters and the climate change together with the

          structural monitoring and risk/hazard              negligence of human activities strongly contribute
          assessment. In the field of photogrammetry,        to grow the impacts of these events. Preventive
          researchers develop methodologies devoted          approaches and risk mitigation plans are necessary
          to the use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles for 3D      in order to avoid such enormous loss of human
          reconstruction of natural and anthropogenic        lives. The researches of the Geomatics Engineering
          environments and approaches based on               Lab contribute in designing effective actions to face
          geospatial data for managing emergencies.          emergencies, to protect the society and to increase

                                                             the resilience of the environment.

          Context and motivation of                          National and international

          the research                                       academic relationships

          The research activities carried out by the         regarding the activity
          Geomatics Engineering Lab aim at testing
          new approaches and methodologies for               Deformation monitoring and precision surveying
          the acquisition, processing and analysis of        are performed on the basis of strong relationships
          geospatial data in a context of rapid evolution    with national and international research institutes
          of technological instrumentation, that become      such as Polytechnic of Torino, University of
          increasingly accessible and easy to use. The       Bologna and University of Venice. Within the
          researches give a tangible solution to the         international scenario, the laboratory is included

          needs of real world applications; among them       in the SCAR Giant expert group and cooperates
          the construction industry and the whole civil      with University of Buenos Aires, University of
          protection ecosystem.                              California Santa Barbara and ETH-Zurich.

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