Page 3 - brochure-30ingmo-stampa-definitiva
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University of Emilia-Romagna (MUNER), a synergistic
                                           association among many Universities, Emilia-Romagna Region,

                                           and automotive industries that represent worldwide the
                                           excellence of the “Made in Italy” automotive that is rooted in
                                           the same territory in which DIEF is present.

                                                   Therefore, in recent years the teaching portfolio expanded
                                           by including new international and interuniversity Master

                                           courses in automotive engineering, which represent one of
                                           DIEF’s main hallmarks. Lecture courses therefore benefit from ever
                                           renewed contents that trigger and motivate students, giving them
                                           a long-lasting and robust higher education, highly valued in
                                           the job market.

                                                   A significant contribution to applied research comes
                                           from Interdepartmental Centres, specifically those housed in
                                           DIEF such as AIRI (Artificial Intelligence Research and Innovation
                                           Centre), CRIS (Interdepartmental Research Centre for Safety
                                           and Risk Prevention), CRICT (Interdepartmental Research and
                                           Service Centre for Buildings and Territory), and INTERMECH-
                                           MORE (Interdepartmental Applied Research and Service Centre
                                           for Advanced Mechanics and Motor vehicles), all located on DIEF’s


                                                   In this pamphlet the research topics characterized by a
                          high degree of innovation are reported in a comprehensive yet concise fashion,

                          together with a description of the laboratories in which they are developed. They
                          are tightly linked to the following disciplinary areas: automotive; manufacturing;
                          materials engineering and science; electron devices, systems, and sensors;
                          telecommunications and control systems; artificial intelligence; big data;
                          cybersecurity; environmental sustainability.

                                                                                         Prof. Massimo Borghi

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