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Master in Development, Manufacturing and Authorization of Biopharmaceuticals

Master Annuale - a.a. 2023/2024

livello Master Universitario di II Livello
n. posti 16
durata del corso master annuale
ore totali 1500 ore di lezione/tirocinio
crediti universitari 60 CFU
FAD Frequenza a distanza Master con servizi di supporto per la frequenza a distanza
Costo iscrizione 6000  euro
Iscrizione come uditore 3500  euro
Bando di ammissione
Consulta il bando di ammissione
presentazione domanda entro 18/09/2023 alle ore: 13:00
Nota Attendance modes in presence and distance. All lessons, lectures, and communications will be delivered in the English language The Master is structured in 1500 hours, for a total of 60 CFU, of which: • 240 hours of face-to-face lectures; • 375 hours of the internship; • 125 hours for the final test; and the remaining hours in individual study activities- The registration fee for the Master is € 6,000.00. (€ 6.000,00 registration fee (€ 3.000,00, first instalment when concluding the enrolment procedure; € 3,000.00, second instalment, by 31 December 2023) € 3.500,00 Auditor registration fee (€ 3.500,00 paid in one solution when concluding the enrolment procedure) Reduction for recently graduated students € 4,000.00 enrolment fee for students who have obtained their degree not later than 3 years before the time of expiry of this call for applications (€ 2.000,00 first instalment when concluding the enrolment procedure; € 2,000.00 second instalment, by 31 December 2023).
Direttore Prof.ssa Maria Paola COSTI
Referente Dott.ssa Arianna Di Iorio
Sito web del master https://www.masterbiopharmaceuticals.unimore.it/
  • Dipartimento di Scienze della Vita


The global biopharmaceutical portfolio of today reflects a wide competition of innovative therapeutic products, an increased prevalence of biopharmaceuticals, expanding number of personalized medicine products, advanced therapeutic products and vaccines. The master's degree aims to train experts capable of directing the various industrial development processes of laboratories with biotechnological and pharmacological characterization, in order to meet the growing demand for highly qualified operators from companies and institutions in the sector. The Master is proposed for specific professional fields: director/manager of laboratories with biotechnological and pharmacological characterization; coordinator of development and monitoring programs of biotechnologies applied in the human field with particular regard to the development of biopharmaceutical products; coordinator of the industrial aspects of biotechnological drug production; coordinator of data management programs produced through the use of artificial intelligence (AI); expert in organization and management of ethical, technical and legal implications for the marketing of biopharmaceuticals.

Requisiti per l'accesso

• Specialist/master’s degrees in Pharmacy and Industrial Pharmacy (14/S or LM-13); Medical, Veterinary, and Pharmaceutical Biotechnology (9/S or LM-9); Industrial Biotechnology (8/S or LM8); Chemical Engineering (27/LM-22 or 27/S), and Chemical Sciences (LM-54 or 62/S); Biology (6/S or LM-6); Biomedical Engineering (26/S or LM-21); Science and Technology of Industrial Chemistry (81/S or LM-71). • Degrees before DM 509/99 in Chemistry and Pharmaceutical Technology or Pharmacy, Agro-industrial Biotechnology, Biotechnology curriculum Pharmaceutical Biotechnology, Biotechnology curriculum Industrial Biotechnology, Biotechnology curriculum Medical Biotechnology, Biotechnology curriculum Veterinary Biotechnology, Chemical Engineering, and Chemistry, Biological Sciences, Biomedical Engineering, Industrial Chemistry.

Sede delle lezioni

Classes will take place in streaming through a dedicated platform starting from September 2023, generally on Fridays (from 9.00 a.m. to 1.00 p.m. and from 2.00 p.m. to 6.00 p.m.) and Saturdays (from 9.00 a.m. to 1.00 p.m.). Once every four/six weeks class will take place at Unimore’s Department of Life Sciences in Via Campi 103, Modena, and will be made available in streaming through a dedicated platform

Periodo di svolgimento

september 2023 -september 2024

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