FAQ - Domande e Risposte

Quesiti comuni riguardanti la vita da studente. Risposte a cura dell'Ufficio Segreterie Studenti.

Argomento: PHD Doctoral research programmes

25) What is the budget for research activities?

Risposta: Each PhD student (excluding scholarship recipients from foreign countries and from specific international mobility programmes) is guaranteed a budget equal to 10% of a scholarship for each year (currently calculated at €1,624.30 for each of the three years), and, for PhD students enrolled from the 33rd cycle, expenses related to their training.
The budget is allocated directly by the Departments; to use it, PhD students must apply directly to the secretariat of the Department in which the PhD programme is based.
In case of a PhD programme agreement with other universities:
- If the administrative seat is at UNIMORE, PhD students attending primarily UNIMORE must apply to the secretariat of the department where the programme is held and PhD students attending primarily another university must apply to the secretariat of the department of that university;
- if the administrative seat is at another university, PhD students attending primarily UNIMORE must contact the Secretariat of the Department of reference at UNIMORE.

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