FAQ - Domande e Risposte

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Argomento: PHD Doctoral research programmes

4) How to apply for admission to the competition?

Risposta: You must submit the application for admission to the selection and any attachments, under penalty of exclusion, within the peremptory deadline established by the call for applications (which was 28 July 2022, 1:00 pm for the general call for admission to the 13 doctoral courses of the 2022/2023 academic year, while for the call for admission to the Doctorate of National Interest in "Religious Studies" it was 25 August, 1:00 p.m.) using the computerised procedure indicated in the call itself, published on the following page: http://www.unimore.it/didattica/dottorati.html.
All qualifications, documents and publications considered useful for the competition procedure must be attached in electronic format only. The application for admission is considered to have been correctly submitted only with the “explicit confirmation of the validity of the application” and the subsequent “Save data” during the above-mentioned IT procedure.

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