FAQ - Domande e Risposte

Quesiti comuni riguardanti la vita da studente. Risposte a cura dell'Ufficio Segreterie Studenti.

Argomento: PHD Doctoral research programmes

1) How can I enter the PhD programme?

Risposta: Access is by open selection based on qualifications only, examinations, or qualifications and examinations, depending on the PhD. The call for applications is published every year on the following webpage: http://www.unimore.it/didattica/dottorati.html.
Notice of the publication of the call is also given on the website of MIUR http://bandi.miur.it/ and on the European website Euraxess http://ec.europa.eu/euraxess/index.cfm/jobs/index.
The call for applications indicates when and how to apply for admission to the competition, the number of places and scholarships provided for each PhD, as well as the entry requirements and the criteria for evaluating applications.
Two calls for admission were published for the XXXVIII cycle: the call for admission for thirteen PhD courses (a.y. 2022/2023) was published in June 2022; the call for admission to the Doctorate of National Interest in "Religious Studies" was published in July 2022.

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